Registration details and costs are as follows:
ADHO members: $350
Non-members: $500
Student ADHO members: $150
Student non-members: $225
Here is a link to the online registration system.
To subscribe to LLC in order to register at the member rate, call:
1-800-852-7323 (in the US/Canada)
+ 44 (0)1865 353907 (UK/Europe)
+81 3 5444 5858 (Japan)
+86(0)10 8520 0524 (China)
Don’t forget to ask for (and record) your subscriber number.
Also see the ADHO Membership FAQ for more information on becoming a member of one or more of the ADHO societies.
Note 1: Some people have experienced problems with overly tenacious and persistent cookies when trying to fill out the Registration and Campus Housing forms simultaneously in two different browser tabs. We recommend first that you tackle one form at a time; and then, if you have problems (e.g., are asked to fill out “required fields” that don’t actually appear on the form you’re using), try closing your browser before filling out the second form. Our apologies for this bug.
Note 2: If your travel companion is interested in attending any of the DH2011 social events (banquet or excursions) without attending the conference, please have him or her simply complete a second registration form and select only the activities desired.