Conference video: Opening Keynote by David Rumsey

DH 2011 Opening Keynote Lecture – David Rumsey: Reading Historical Maps Digitally: How Spatial Technologies Can Enable Close, Distant and Dynamic Interpretations

0:00 – ADHO welcome and official DH2011 opening by ADHO President Ray Siemens
8:05 – Welcome and housekeeping by your Local Hosts
13:40 – Stanford welcome and introduction of David Rumsey by Stanford University Librarian Mike Keller
37:50 – Keynote Speech by David Rumsey

Many thanks to Kimberly Hayworth for videography.

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Conference video: Closing Keynote by JB Michel and Erez Lieberman

DH 2011 Closing Keynote Lecture – JB Michel & Erez Lieberman.

Many thanks to Kimberly Hayworth for videography.

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Conference video: Zampolli Prize Lecture by Chad Gaffield

DH 2011 Zampolli Prize Lecture – Chad Gaffield.

Many thanks to Kimberly Hayworth for videography.

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#dh11 Twitter archives

Thanks to the grass-roots efforts of some of our favorite faithful DHers (both of whom we really missed at Stanford this weekend!), there are at least two Twitter archives of the outstandingly rich #dh11 conference stream:

Thanks for stepping up! Let us know if there are other archives you’d like to see listed here.

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So long, DH2011!

Hard to recognize the DH2011 crew without our yellow tie-dyes: Irena, Marissa, Ever, Kathryn, Cameron, Long, Ryan, and… hey, somebody get those two waiters out of the picture! (Not pictured: Melanie, who was off somewhere making everything go smoothly. Photo credit: Ed Finn, yellow shirt emeritus.)

Thank you all for coming to Stanford: it was a pleasure to have you here, and though we’re sad to see you go, we hope you’re leaving us feelin’ groovy.  Peace.

Next year in Hamburg!

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Fun Run Results: Fun, Fun, Fun

21 DHer’s Showed up for the first annual DH Fun Run.

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Alan Liu to Speak at centerNet Lunch

Alan Liu, Chair and Professor of English at University of Santa Barbara, known for Voice of the Shuttle, The Laws of Cool, Local Transcendence: Essays on Postmodern Historicism and the Database, and now for his work on 4Humanities, will be the centerNet luncheon speaker at the Digital Humanities 2011 conference on Wed, June 22nd.

His presentation is titled “4Humanities: The Digital Humanities Community & Humanities Advocacy.”

More information about Liu is available at Details about the location and schedule can be found in the Conference Schedule.

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DH11 Breaking News

The Conference schedule has just been updated. Mostly minor changes: a few room numbers, times, and moving of the fun run to the morning in order to accommodate a very busy series of afternoon/evening events and the hot weather that has descended upon the Bay Area.

We have also just learned that Sunday is “World Music Day” in Palo Alto. Those of you arriving early may want to check it out!

See you all very soon,

Glen and Matt

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Conference Schedule Now Available

The Pre-Conference, Conference, and Post-Conference Schedule is now available on line:  DH 2011 Conference Schedule

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Information for Presenters

Wireless internet will be available to all presenters, as well as to the audience.

We’re working to insure that there are ample power outlets for your laptop batteries: knowing our DH community, we expect they’ll be getting a real good workout.

Poster Session
This year’s unified poster session will be in a spacious and elegant ballroom. If you look at the schedule, you’ll see there’s no competition from any other papers or events. We know from your abstracts that you’ve put a lot of effort into these presentations of your work, and we hope to make DH2011′s poster session the most visible, comfortable and well-attended ever.

Each poster presenter will have one side of a stand-alone poster board that is 4′ high and 8′ wide, and several will have a place to set a laptop. We’ll have push-pins appropriate for these boards, but if you’d like something special or out-of-the-ordinary to hang your poster, please bring it with you.

Papers and Panels
Projectors will be provided for each room, but please bring your own laptop or be prepared with a flash drive to transfer your presentation visuals to a fellow presenter’s laptop. Past DH experience has shown that most presenters prefer to use their own machines, and that they are very willing to share with those who don’t. Note that our projectors have VGA connectors, so Mac users: bring your video adapters.

All sessions have been assigned chairs, whose primary purpose is to make sure that presenters and sessions start and end on time. For those panels that have self-organized: you may still have an assigned chair to oversee the general timetable and to take care of any last-minute needs.

Please let us know soon if you have any special presentation needs, and we’ll try to accommodate them; even better, contact your session chair to talk about these needs.

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